After launching the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 3 in March this year, Qualcomm now unveiled its next-gen mid-end mobile platform, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3, which is expected to debut with Xiaomi smartphones next month, according to Qualcomm’s announcement. The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 brings advanced features such as on-device generative AI, improved mobile gaming, and professional-grade camera capabilities to mid-range devices, the US chip company said. Compared with the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 3, the new platform boasts a nearly 20% improved CPU (central processing unit) performance, 40% accelerated GPU (graphics processing unit), over 30% improved AI performance, and 12% overall power savings. Other OEMs (original equipment manufacturers), including Realme, Samsung, and Sharp will also adopt the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 in the coming months. [Qualcomm announcement]