Nearby residents and tourists can easily traverse the Beijing Olympic Center Area, the main venue of the 2008 Summer Games and the 2022 Winter Games, since local authorities have arranged the removal of fences surrounding the area.
Some 10,300 meters of borderline fences and decorative fences in the area have been removed with the collaboration of institutions in the area, an initiative to make it more open for visitors, Beijing News reported.
The area’s management committee has negotiated with nearby institutions including the Chinese Archaeology Museum, the AVIC International Plaza and the National Stadium to carry out the move, said Lu Wenyu, a committee staff member.
Apart from the fence removal, the committee has also eliminated the fixed opening and closing times of the Beijing Olympic Park in the area, as well as security checks for visitors entering the park, including lifting the ban on bicycles.
A new 7.5-kilometer cycling route has become a popular attraction, with wider pathways enhancing safety and convenience. This new feature has drawn numerous visitors to explore the area.
Covering an area of approximately 11.59 square kilometers, the Beijing Olympic Center Area is a multifunctional public center for hosting sports events, exhibitions, and educational and cultural activities, along with leisure and shopping amenities.