Bharatiya Janata Party on Friday released its manifesto, ‘Sankalp Patra’ for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. Launching the manifesto, party president JP Nadda announced Rs 2,500 monthly aid for women in Delhi under ‘Mahila Samridhi Yojana’ if party voted to power.
He also announced that the Centre’s ‘Ayushman Bharat’ scheme will be implemented in the national capital in “letter and spirit” in the first cabinet meeting if elected.
The health cover under the scheme would also be increased by Rs 5 lakh amounting to a total of Rs 10 lakh. Rs 5 lakh will be provided by the Centre and, if elected, the BJP government in Delhi would also provide Rs 5 lakh, Nadda said.
#WATCH | #DelhiElection2025 | BJP national president and Union Minister JP Nadda says, “We made 500 promises in 2014 and 499 from them were delivered…In 2019, we pledged 235 promises and fulfilled 225, and the rest were in the implementation stage. Our objective remains good…
— ANI (@ANI) January 17, 2025
Attacking the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government over its ‘mohalla clinic’ initiative, Nadda called it a “den of corruption” and assured action if elected to power. He claimed that under the scheme fraudulent lab tests have been conducted besides a Rs 300-crore scam. “If voted, we will carry investigation into these corruption,” said the Union health minister.
Nadda also announced increasing the monthly pension for senior citizens, widows, and persons with disability. For senior citizens above 60 years, the monthly pension would be increased to Rs 2,500 from Rs 2,000. For senior citizens above the age of 70, widows, and persons with disability, the monthly allowance will be increased from Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,000.
The BJP president also announced the launching of the Atal Canteen scheme under which slum dwellers would be provided meals at Rs 5.
Nadda said the schemes will be implemented in the areas under New Delhi Municipal Corporation and Delhi Cantonment.